The Election Commission of India (ECI,) on the evening of the 10th of February, announced new dates of the Manipur Assembly elections 2022.

Initially scheduled on the 27th of February and the 3rd of March, the two-phased Manipur elections would be held on the 28th of February and the 5th of March. The rescheduling of the dates was done by the ECI, after an inspection visit to Manipur. On the 9th of February, Wednesday, the EC officials visited Manipur to oversee poll preparedness and spoke to locals and political parties. During the inspection, the stakeholders in the State, a few leaders asked for the rescheduled dates. Considering their inputs and urge, the ECI revised the dates.

The ECI released a statement regarding the same and said, the decision is based on information, representations, precedents, material, ground conditions, and all facts and circumstances in the matter. The statement read, “The Commission, having considered inputs, representations, past precedent, logistics, ground situations and all facts and circumstances in the matter, has decided under Section 153 of Representation of the People Act, 1951 to revise the dates of the poll.”

Besides Manipur, in the past, the ECI also rescheduled the assembly elections date of the Punjab Assembly elections, from the 14th of February to the 20th of February. Notably, the political parties in Punjab urged to change The dates due to the Guru Parab, celebrated on the 19th of February.

Meanwhile, the results of the Assembly elections in five states; Uttar Pradesh, Manipur, Punjab, Goa, and Uttarakhand would be announced on the 10th of March.

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