The Election Commission, on the 30th of December, Thursday, addressed a press conference over conduct of Assembly elections.

During the press conference, Mr. Sushil Chandra, the Chief Election Commissioner, said, there would be ‘no delay,’ in the 2022 Assembly elections.

Mr. Chandra said, “Representatives of all political parties met us and told us that elections should be conducted on time following all COVID-19 protocols.” He further added, “In view of the increase in number of voters and also the prevailing pandemic condition, we have decided to set up 11,000 more polling booths to ensure that there is no crowding. With this, there will also be an increase in the number of polling personnel. We are also increasing the polling time by one hour across the state to prevent crowding at polling stations.”

Initially, the Election Commission of India (ECI) planned to postpone the Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections and rallies, amid the rising number of COVID-19 and Omicron cases. However, the decision has been changed as per the consideration of the political parties. Highlighting the voting procedure for elderly people, people with disabilities and COVID-19 affected people, Mr. Sushil Chandra said, “People above 80 years of age, persons with disabilities, and COVID-19 affected people who are unable to come to the polling booth, the Election Commission will reach their doorsteps.”

The EC also said, the voters’ list for the upcoming assembly polls in poll bound states would be released on the 5th of January, 2022. In addition, the polling on the election day would be held between 8:00 A.M., to 6:00 P.M. However, for Uttar Pradesh, the voting time would be extended for an hour, due to more number of seats and population.

The State Election Commission (SEC) would be directed to make all the necessary arrangements for the smooth and safe conduct of election, especially amid Omicron and COVID-19 threat.

The States which are due to conduct assembly elections are: Uttar Pradesh, Manipur, Goa, Uttarakhand and Punjab.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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