The Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Saturday at the Moradabad rally, all the money deposited in the Jan Dhan accounts illegally by the corrupt rich can be detained by the account holders. In the public rally, PM Modi said he is devising plans to send the corrupt rich to jail who deposited their money in the Jan Dhan Yojna accounts.

PM Modi speaking in Moradabad rally.

PM Modi speaking in Moradabad rally.

There has been a lot of criticism from the opposition about the Demonetisation move. The opposition has made a ruckus in the parliament about the long queues in front of the banks and ATM’s. There also have been claims that the amount invested for this move has been higher than the profits that will be realised by this Demonetisation initiative. Addressing this issue publicly, the Prime Minister said “this will be the last queue for the people who have been standing in line for the last 70 years for their daily needs.” Addressing the opposition, he added, “You kept the entire nation in queues for 70 years after independence, as one had to stand in lines for even sugar, kerosene, and wheat in the past. This is the last queue to end all those queues.”

He thanked the nation in this rally for being patient with him, waiting in the long queues and not complaining or causing riots. He particularly said the corrupt rich were not doing any favors by depositing their illegal funds in the Jan Dhan accounts, instead are only exploiting the poor as in the past. Also on being called corrupt time and again, he asked if being corrupt meant fighting the root cause of evil our country has been fighting for decades together. He also added that for waging a battle against graft he is being hounded like a culprit. He also said, “what can my opponents do to me? I am a fakir. Jhola ley kar chaley Jayenge .”

Mr. Modi added in all whose Jan Dhan accounts, in which the corrupt rich have deposited money illegally into their accounts, “you should not return the money that others have put in your accounts. If you promise to do so, I am working hard on to devise a formula to send all those who deposited their money illegally into your accounts to jail and to ensure the money goes to the poor households.”

He concluded the Speech by saying that Black Money will not just wash away. It takes an effort to push it from the system and that is people are with him, he is ready to take many steps like Demonetisation to remove corruption from roots in our country.