Digvijaya Singh, the Indian National Congress party leader landed himself yet once more in the soup. This latest one looks more like a wishful thinking case. This time, the minister posted a video on twitter which was produced by the former Congress MP Rajkumari Ratna Singh.

Rajkumari Ratna Singh ex MP is the daughter of Raja Dinesh Singh ji who was a Cabinet Minister in Indira Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi Cabinet.

— digvijaya singh (@digvijaya_28) March 27, 2017

He then went ahead and explained that Ratna Singh is the daughter of Dinesh Singh, who was a member of parliament in Indira Gandhi’s cabinet and also in ‘Rahul Gandhi’s Cabinet.’ Well, the question that arose is ‘Which Rahul Gandhi Cabinet?’ There has never been a ‘Rahul Gandhi Cabinet’ which makes this statement invalid.

This can be considered a blunder as Dinesh Singh was a member of ‘Rajiv Gandhi’s Cabinet.’ Over the last couple of years, Digvijaya had had many slips of the tongue. In August 2016, while addressing the media, he referred to the parts of Kashmir as Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and India Occupied Kashmir. On July 8, the tensions were high in between Pakistan and India as security forces had killed Burhan Wani, a Kashmir terrorist. In the past, the minister referred to International terrorist Osama Bin Laden as ‘Osamaji’ and Hafiz Saeed as ‘Saheb.’

If these mistakes are put aside, he also made some outright offensive remarks. He described Meenakshi Natarajan, his party colleague as ‘sau tunch maal’ which transliterates to ‘totally unblemished’ and loosely translates to ‘desirable object.’ He went ahead to defend himself and said that he meant ‘pure gold.’ He also warned media for misinterpreting his statements and wrongly reporting it.

Well, here is to hoping that Digvijaya stops making such blunders and watches what he says!