Delhi is all set to reopen schools for offline classes from the 1st of September.

As per the Delhi Government issued guidelines, only 50 % students of the total capacity are allowed in each classroom, mandatory thermal screening, staggered lunch breaks, alternate seating arrangement and avoiding routine guest visits in school.

According to sources, the Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) gave the green signal for the reopening of schools and colleges, as the Wuhan virus, also known as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation was under control. In addition, the DDMA issued a set of guidelines for teachers and students, who would be attending offline classes from tomorrow, the 1st of September. However, attending classes is not a compulsion and no student would be forced to come to school.

According to the guidelines, everyone was asked to follow COVID-19 appropriate behavior, emergency quarantine rooms to be set up, open areas for students, alternate seating arrangements and others.

The DDMA also assured emotional support to students through campus counselling. The DDMA in an issued notification said. “On campus counselling and guidance of students and teachers to be conducted to give emotional or trauma support for their readiness with new normal of stringent physical distancing, face mask guidelines and hygiene guidelines.”

With this, from the 1st of September, colleges and schools for class 9th to 12th would resume. In addition for classes 6th to 8th, the school would start from the 8th of September.

It is to be noted, students, teachers and non teaching staff residing in the non containment zones would not be allowed to attend school.

Meanwhile, with 20 new cases, Delhi now has 375 active cases of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19.)

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