A few investigative agencies and the Delhi police launched a probe into the Tablighi Jamaat Congregation and the funding to organise the gathering of nearly 3,400 to 5,000 people.

The grand event organised between the 13th to the 16th of March, at Markaz Mosque, Nizamuddin, became the epicentre of the spread of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 in India.

According to the initial investigation, the event held at Markaz Mosque received a huge amount of funds for the event from the Gulf and witnessed several foreigners participating.

Till date, 750 attendees have tested positive for COVID-19 and  9,000 people are under isolation.  The 9,000 people quarantined includes those who attended the event and who came in contact with the attendees.

Meanwhile, the Delhi Police launched a case against Maulana Saad, the Chief of Markaz Mosque.  

There are a list of questions in the summons issued– the major questions  are related to the funding of such a grand event and organisation amid a ban on any public gatherings due to COVID-19.   It is said, despite the imposition of Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) in Delhi, the event was organised.

The list of questions includes the full name, the address, the registration details of the organization, details of the office bearers–  those that are part of the Markaz committee, details of income tax returns filed by the organisation in the last three years, PAN number, bank accounts and the bank statements of the organisation.

The other questions on the list about the employees, the number of religious gatherings organised between the 1st of January to till date, a map or site plan of the premises, details of CCTV cameras installed on the premises. Correspondence between the Markaz and government authorities regarding permits for religious events, audio or video recording of the persons participating in Markaz, details of all devotees including foreigners who arrived at the congregation after the 12th of March.

The questions were imposed on Maulana Saad in an issued summons under Section 91 of the CrPC.   The investigating agency sought a report with all the answers with the submission of relevant documents and supporting answers.

The COVID-19 has infected 3,127 people in India, out of which 700 plus are attendees of Tablighi Jamaat and many are yet to be tested.

On the 4th of April, India reported  3,127 positive cases, 2,807 active cases, 229 recovered cases and 86 death cases of the Novel Coronavirus till date.

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