The Government of India (GoI) announced a high alert in Delhi due to the possibility of a terror attack. 

Based on intelligence inputs, four terrorists of the Jaish e Mohammed (JeM,) a terrorist group, plan to carry out a suicide attack in Delhi and entered the National Capital.

The reason behind the terror attack is said to be the decision of the Central Government to scrap Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir.  Since the Government scrapped Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir, the State is on high alert. Now, with the intelligence inputs about the JeM terrorists in Delhi, the security was tightened in the National Capital as well.

According to reports, three to four terrorists of the JeM entered Delhi, due to which, the Government is conducting multiple raids across the National Capital.  The reports also suggest an attack on the Indian Air Force bases in Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab, which are already on high alert since the 26th of September.

Apart from the Air Force bases in Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab, the security was increased in Amritsar, Pathankot and Srinagar as well.  As of now, the Government announced an orange alert, the second highest level of alert, at the Indian Air Force bases.

Recently, on the 26th of September, intelligence inputs revealed the possibility of a terrorist attack by a terrorist group.  The report suggested the JeM is targeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, the Home Minister of India and Ajit Doval, the Security Advisor of India.

Indian troops and armed forces are on high alert in all the major states of India.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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