In a major boost to the Indian Air Force and Defence sector, the Union Government is all set to induct Light Combat Helicopters into the Indian Air Force (IAF.)

The made in India, indigenously developed Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) will be inducted into the IAF inventory at a ceremony in Rajasthan’s Jodhpur district, on the 3rd of October, Monday.

As per sources, Mr. Rajnath Singh, the Union Defence Minister of India, would induct the special choppers into the IAF.  Mr. Rajnath Singh took to Twitter and confirmed the same with, “The induction of these helicopters will be a big boost to the IAF’s combat prowess.”  In another tweet, Mr. Rajnath Singh said, “I would be in Jodhpur, Rajasthan tomorrow, 3rd October, to attend the Induction ceremony of the first indigenously developed Light Combat Helicopters (LCH).  The induction of these helicopters will be a big boost to the IAF’s combat prowess.  Looking forward to it.”

Moreover, highlighting the features of the new choppers, it is capable of aerial combat and will help the force combat slow moving aircraft, drones and armoured columns during conflicts. 

In addition, as of now, India approved the buying of 15 LCH, of which 10 are for the IAF and 5 for the Indian Army.  It can land and take off from an altitude of 5,000 metres with weapons and fuel, making the IAF and the Indian Army stronger.

The Light Combat Helicopter Limited Series Production (LSP) is indigenously designed, developed and manufactured in India. The helicopters would be a major boost to Indian defence security, enhancing attack and defence technology with equipped choppers.  Some of the major features of the manufactured helicopters are high altitude performance and the clock all weather combat capability. 

As per sources, the new helicopters would be helpful to perform Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR,) Destruction of Enemy Air Defence (DEAD,) Counter Insurgency (CI) operations, high altitude bunker busting operations and support to ground security defences, with all the state of modern art technologies.

Lastly, the made in India choppers for strengthening the Indian Defence sector is a strong initiative under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Atmanirbhar Bharat (self reliant India.)

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