Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman hosted her U.S., counterpart James Mattis and conducted a joint press conference. At the conference, responding to one of the questions Nirmala Sitharaman clarified that India will give medical and development assistance to Afghanistan but will not send troops. She was quoted saying, “There shall not be any boots on the ground from India.”

A lot of questions have risen as to Indian troops being deployed in Afghanistan, ever since Donald Trump asked India to be more involved in the war torn country.

The two Ministers also discussed issues on terrorism and agreed that safe havens for terrorists across the globe needed to be eradicated.

Mattis was quoted saying in a statement, “There can be no tolerance of terrorist safe havens. As global leaders, India and the U.S., resolve to work together to eradicate this scourge.”

James Mattis landed in India on Monday and is on a three day visit. This is the first time a Cabinet member of the Trump administration is visiting India.

At present, India has extended $3 billion aid to Afghanistan apart from providing training to its military.