Iqbal Kaskar the brother of underworld mafia Dawood Ibrahim was arrested in Mumbai for his connection with a case of extortion. Head of the Anti Extortion cell in Thane, Pradeep Sharma made the arrest.

The police took action after a case was filed by a Mumbai based builder. Reports have stated that Iqbal Kaskar made repeated demands for flats even after he had four flats in Mumbai.

The arrest has given a sign that there might be action taken against India’s most wanted criminal Dawood Ibrahim in the near future.

Last week Union Minister, V.K. Singh was quoted saying, “We will not talk about Dawood at all. Certain things are happening. We can’t let the cat out of the bag.”

In the year 2003, Iqbal Kaskar was deported from the United Arab Emirates. Reports were also revealed that he was wanted in a murder case and showed his involvement in the Sara Sahara case. The Sara Sahara case was when an illegal building was built on government land. The court acquitted him in both cases four years later.