The country was eagerly awaiting the French DJ David Guetta’s concert in Mumbai, New Delhi, Hyderabad, and Bengaluru. The concert was scheduled for January 12 in Bengaluru but has been cancelled on Thursday morning. This decision came from the event organizers citing a ‘law and order’ problem. The organizers stated that the New Year’s mass molestation was the reason behind the cancellation. The concert was supposed to start at Bengaluru and then proceed to Mumbai, Hyderabad, and New Delhi.

David guetta

The organizers released the press note stating, “Due to the present law & order situation in Bengaluru following the events that transpired around New Year’s Eve, the authorities have recommended against holding the David Guetta concert scheduled today in the city. We at Sunburn tried our very best to make it happen but the authorities understandably are not prepared to take any chances. Hence today’s concert, unfortunately, stands canceled.”

The Percept company, organizers of the Sunburn event hope to reschedule the event by getting permission from the authorities and also convince the DJ. But nothing has been decided as of yet.

According to Karan Singh, the CEO of Percept all the other events at Mumbai, Hyderabad, and New Delhi are as per schedule.