Sonia Gandhi, the interim President of the Indian National Congress (INC) is likely to announce her decision regarding the President’s post. 

After Rahul Gandhi, the former President of INC step down taking responsibility of losing in 2019 National elections, Ms. Gandhi became the interim President.

However, after months, during the Congress Working Committee (CWC) meeting, Ms. Gandhi would decide upon the new work system and president’s post.

The meeting was called by the party’s highest decision making body, after 103 INC leaders wrote a letter seeking a complete rehaul of the organisation.

The letter, which was signed by former chief ministers and members of Parliament, alleged “drift” and “uncertainty” over the leadership of the INC, the oldest political party in India. The letter was written and sent to Ms. Sonia on the 15th of August with sign of 103 leaders.

Some of the leaders who agreed to the letter and signed it are: Kapil Sibal, Ghulam Nabi Azad, Shashi Tharoor, Bhupinder Hooda, Milind Deora, Manish Tewari and P.J.Kurien.

According to a media source, Ms. Gandhi responded to the letter and said, they would soon appoint a new President as she does not want to take the responsibility any further.

However, a final decision regarding the same would be taken during today’s CWC meeting.

A senior leader of INC who wished to be anonymous said, “If she has to resign, she may do so when she meets with the leadership.”

While many leaders raised issues with the leadership of the INC, many other leaders extended support.

In a letter, the leaders wrote, “We write to you today with a heavy heart and in light of recent reports over concerns raised by some leaders about Congress’s leadership. We, the members of Parliament representing the length and breadth of the country, have heard and read with dismay and disbelief these claims being made…. We write to you today to tell you, unequivocally, that we have complete faith in your leadership…We know you are facing difficulties. Yet it is our humble appeal to you to continue to be our leader. The Congress is only safe in your hands or those of Rahul.”

The CWC meeting to discuss the INC leadership would be held at 11:00 A.M., through a video conference.

Chief ministers of INC led states, senior leaders, Members of Parliament (MPs) and others would attend the meeting today (the 24th of August.)

Stay tuned for further updates.

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