On Monday, the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Inspector General Zulfiquar Hasan reported the helpline 14411 is open for local militants agreeing to surrender. The helpline was launched earlier this year and has received more than 70,000 calls. Mr. Hasan was quoted saying, “Since it is an established helpline, we decided that it should be used to help the local militants return home. We will guide them.”

It was strictly added the foreign militants in Kashmir valley would not be spared. But the local boys who joined terror groups have a chance to set things right. The CRPF is a central force deployed in Jammu and Kashmir to counter militant’s operations. Mr. Hasan added, “We are going to use the return of footballer Majeed Khan as an example to persuade other boys who have joined the terror groups.” Khan joined Lashkar e Taiba (LeT) but after a heartfelt message from his mother, the boy returned home.

The Officer also explained the new strategy to help young boys from joining terror groups. The Center is focusing on sports and has increased the budget for civic action programs in Jammu and Kashmir. General Zulfiquar Hasan said, “We are focussing on sports and are in touch with schools and colleges to organize tournaments. We have used the budget to construct basketball courts in some schools.”

The State is offering a surrender policy to the local boys who give up militancy. The boys will be offered passports and jobs including support for his complete assimilation into society.