On the 18th of March, the Union Health Ministry confirmed 169 positive cases of the Novel Coronavirus also known as COVID-19.

There are 169 active cases of Coronavirus in India which led  to strict orders, advisories and other measures to prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus.   As of now, India with a population of 133.92 crores, is in stage 2 out of the 4 stages of the spread of the virus.

The 4 stages of COVID-19

Stage 1 –  In this stage, positive cases   from affected countries would infect people with a travel history of abroad.  At this stage there would be no spread of the virus locally.

Stage 2- During this stage, the virus transmission takes place from an infected person to locals, like relatives or acquaintances of the ones who have a travel history from abroad.

This stage could be prevented through self quarantine and isolation.  India is currently in Stage 2.

Stage 3:  This is a little worse situation as this can lead to community transmission of the Novel Coronavirus.  During this stage those who have not been exposed to an infected person or anyone who has a travel history to affected countries, still test positive.  During this stage it is hard to trace from where a local person has been infected with the virus , when he/she did not come in contact with someone who is Covid-19 positive .  Various countries like Singapore, Italy and Spain are in Stage 3.  

Stage 4:  The last and final stage when the virus takes the shape of an epidemic disease infecting huge numbers and it is difficult to control the spread of the infection.  China is in the fourth stage.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) report, till the 18th of March, 2,07,860 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 8,657 deaths have been reported in 166 countries.

India itself reported 3 deaths due to the Novel Coronavirus.  As precautionary measures, the Road and Transport Ministry of India, issued a notice to all the state governments to restrict public transports to curb the spread of virus.

Meanwhile,  international flights and visas for foreigners were also suspended till the 15th of April.

Stay tuned for further updates about COVID-19.

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