On the 1st of May, India reported the highest spike in the number of  the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 cases during the last 24 hours, taking the total tally to 35,043.

In the last 24 hours, India reported a total of 1,993 fresh cases of the Coronavirus infections and 73 deaths.  

However, according to the Union Health Ministry, the recovery rate of Indians from COVID-19 increased to 25.36 % from previous 14 %.  Whereas, the doubling rate of COVID-19 cases improved to 11 days from the previous 7 days.

Despite such improvements, India is witnessing 1,000 plus cases everyday and crossed 35,000 from the previous day’s 33,000 COVID-19 patients. Approximately 733 districts are affected by the Novel Coronavirus.  Out of the total, 130 districts are red zones, 319 districts are green zones and 284 districts are marked as orange zones.

Maharashtra is said to be the worst hit State due to the pandemic illness, with 10,498 cases and 459 deaths till date.  After Maharashtra, Gujarat, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu are the states with the highest numbers of COVID-19 cases.

As a precautionary measure in Delhi, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced to screen everyone living in the containment zones, irrespective of symptoms of COVID-19 infection.

Mr. Kejriwal said in 98 containment zones, screening for the Coronavirus infection would be done thrice in 14 days.

Meanwhile, northeastern states are recovering better, where the increase in cases rate dropped to zero.   South Indian states like Telangana and Karnataka also recorded a drop of 3 % in fresh cases of the Novel Coronavirus.

On the other hand, the Central Government is soon going to release a new set of guidelines to contain the spread of the Novel Coronavirus in India.

The new guidelines will come into effect from the 4th of May, a day after the nation wide lockdown would end.

While 35,000 people are affected by the Novel Coronavirus infection in India, worldwide the number of cases stood at 3,308,503 with 234,112 deaths till date.

Stay tuned for further updates.


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