Donald Trump, the President of the United States of America (U.S.A.,) on the 6th of April, threatened India with retaliation, if the Indian Government refused to export a specific medicine.

The U.S.A., Government demanded the supply of Hydroxychloroquine, a key anti malaria drug, for the treatment of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19. 

On the 6th of April, Donald Trump, addressed the media at the White House and said, “I would be surprised if he (Prime Minister Narendra Modi) would, you know, because India does very well with the United States.”   He further added, “I don’t like that decision, I didn’t hear, that was his decision. I know that he stopped it for other countries. I spoke to him yesterday, we had a very good talk and we’ll see whether or not that’s his… For many years, they’ve been taken advantage of the United States on trade.  So I would be surprised if that were his decision. He’d have to tell me that. I spoke to him Sunday morning, called him, and I said, we’d appreciate you allowing our supply to come out. If he doesn’t allow it to come out. That would be OK. But of course, there may be retaliation. Why wouldn’t there be.”

Hydroxychloroquine is said to be an effective drug to treat patients and prevent medical workers from getting the Novel Coronavirus.   In March, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) also recommended the use of Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19.   

To meet the requirements of the drug in India, on the 25th of March, the Indian Government banned all export of the drug to other countries.     

India is one of the largest manufacturers of this drug, and due to the pandemic,  limited the supply to not only other countries but chemist shops and other hospitals, domestically as well.

On the 27th of March, the Health Ministry of India, restricted the sale and distribution of  Hydroxychloroquine under Section 26B of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940.)

However, on the 7th of April, the Government of India decided to lift restrictions on the export of the drug partially.  Considering the demand by the U.S.A., Brazil and 20 other countries for treating COVID-19 patients, India decided to lift the ban partially, depending upon domestic needs of hydroxychloroquine.

A government official, close to the developments on the matter, who wished to be anonymous said, India would supply Hydroxychloroquine only after meeting domestic requirements,  as India is also witnessing a hike in cases.

The government official said, “There has been a partial lifting of the ban, and Hydroxychloroquine and Paracetamol exports will continue to be restricted.”  He further added, “ Depending on availability of stocks of Hydroxychloroquine after meeting domestic requirements, existing orders will be cleared.”

In just one day, India reported a hike of 500 positive cases, taking the total to 4,822 cases and 133 deaths till date.

The US has the most number of Coronavirus cases in the world.  There have been 

366,000 infections and 10,000 deaths in the U.S., due to this virus.

Globally, the Coronavirus infected 1,347,689 people and claimed 74,782 lives till date.

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