Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced an extension of 18 days to the ongoing lockdown as a precautionary measure to control the spread of the Novel Coronavirus.

Mr. Modi in his 26 minutes speech to the Nation, directed the concerned officials to monitor all the districts in India closely regarding the implementation of lockdown.  The close observation would continue till the 20th of April. The localities, areas, districts would be under close observation of how the various departments are following the guidelines and implementing the lockdown.

The decision to observe the areas was taken to control the spread of the virus and prevent these areas of becoming hotspots for the virus.  

Mr. Modi said, if all the districts are able to control the spread of the virus and will not let the hotspots increase, some relaxation would be announced amid the lockdown.

However, if the hotspots or the containment clusters increase, the Modi Government would stricten the rules and guidelines of the imposed lockdown.  According to the health experts, coming two weeks are said to be crucial and could result peak in COVID-19 infection cases.

India reported a total of 10,541 cases of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 with 358 deaths till the 14th of April.

The lockdown is proposed to end on the 3rd of May.

Stay tuned for further updates about COVID-19.

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