Ms. Sonia Gandhi, the interim President of the Indian National Congress (INC) asked the INC presidents in all the 5 poll-bound states, to submit their resignations.

It is to be noted, the INC was defeated in all the 5 poll bound states, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Manipur, Punjab and Goa.

According to sources, Mr. Randeep Surjewala, the General Secretary of the INC, on the 16th of March, Wednesday, issued a statement and said,  “Congress President, Sonia Gandhi has asked the PCC Presidents of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Goa & Manipur to put in their resignations in order to facilitate the reorganization of PCCs.” 

With this, Mr. Navjot Singh Sidhu, President in Punjab, Mr. Ganesh Godiyal (Uttarakhand,) Mr. Nameirakpam Loken Singh (Manipur,) Mr. Ajay Kumar Lallu (Uttar Pradesh) and Mr. Girish Chodankar (Goa.)  The decision comes two days after the Congress Working Committee (CWC) meet, during which Ms. Sonia Gandhi undertook “necessary and comprehensive” organizational changes.   The CWC members unanimously said, “The CWC unanimously reaffirms its faith in the leadership of Sonia Gandhi and requests the Congress President to lead from the front, address the organizational weaknesses, effect necessary and comprehensive organizational changes in order to take on the political challenges.” 

The recent results of the five poll bound states, and stand of the Indian National Congress, is said to be a serious concern for the party.  Furthermore, the senior leaders of the INC also accepted their shortcomings in strategies and planning, which led to the terrible defeat of the Indian National Congress.

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