In an effort to ensure fair elections for the Indian National Congress (INC) presidential polls, scheduled on the 17th of October.

On the 3rd of October, Monday, the party’s Central Election Authority (CEA)  issued a code of conduct also known as ‘guidelines’ for the campaign and other codes of conduct for elections.

As per the issued guidelines, the office-bearers from campaigning for any candidate, as of now Mr. Mallikarjun Khagre and Mr. Shashi Tharoor.

As per the CEA Chairman Madhusudan Mistry, stated that Mallikarjun Kharge and Shashi Tharoor are contesting the Congress President’s election in “their personal capacity and the delegates are free to elect any one of them, as per their choice, through ballot paper”.

Mr. Mistry further said, “Utmost care must be taken to ensure that there is no mala fide campaign against any candidate.  The same would bring disgrace to the party.  The sensitivity of the election process must be upheld at any cost.”  According to sources, he released seven guidelines for the presidential elections, scheduled on the 17th of October.

The CEA’s note is significant in the backdrop of Mr. Kharge being labelled as an “establishment candidate” while Mr. Tharoor is viewed as the challenger of “status quo” in the party.

Moreover, the results of the Congress presidential elections would be announced on the 19th of October, following which the party would get its first non Gandhi President, in two decades.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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