The Winter Session in Parliament has begun on a rough patch with the Congress demanding an apology from PM Modi. The Prime Minister accused former PM Manmohan Singh of conspiring with Pakistan. The Parliament has been witnessing repeated adjournments due to this issue.

Congress Leader Renuka Chowdhury kept her ground firm and said PM Modi had to apologise. She said there was no question of a middle path Modi needs to apologise for his comments.

On Wednesday, the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha were adjourned till 2 P.M. PM Modi made the collusion comment during an election rally for the Gujarat Assembly Elections.

Chowdhury was quoted saying, “There is no question of middle path…The country’s prime minister has alleged that the former prime minister has taken steps against the country and that too with the enemy nation. Don’t you think it is an issue that calls for an apology?”

The Parliament will continue to be adjourned till an apology is issued by Prime Minister Modi or the Congress gives up the fight.