China has on Friday warned India about the visit of the exiled Tibetian leader, the 14 Dalai Lama’s visit to Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh. The Chinese government warned that there would be a severe damage to relations between the two countries due to this visit of the Dalai Lama. These warnings have been dismissed by India and are letting the leader visit the Country as per plan.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang at a daily brief said Beijing has time and again expressed concerns to the Indian Government about Dalai Lama and asked India to “avoid offering a state for the Dalai Lama to carry out anti China separatist activities.”

He also said, “The invitation to the Dalai Lama by the Indian side to the contested area between China and India will inflict severe damage on the China-India relationship and peace and stability in the China-India border area.”

Tawang is located in the partly Tibetian Himalayan state, that China claims to be their territory. There was never a prolonged war but the brief and bloody war took place.

90,000 square kilometers of Arunachal Pradesh is referred to as ‘southern Tibet’ informally while India claims China has occupied 38,000 Square Kilometers of territory in the Aksai Chin plateau.

The Dalai Lama has fled and has been living in India after an anti-China uprising failed in 1959. The Religious’ last visit to Arunachal Pradesh, was in 2009 and even then China protested the trip. But it had not much impact on the relations between the two countries.