On the 24th of October, Sunday, China introduced a new law to protect the territory of China.  The new land border law has been adopted to maintain sovereignty, integrity and avoid exploitation of land at the China-India border.

According to the new land law, the nation would take measures to strengthen border defence, support economic and social development as well as opening-up in border areas, improve public services and infrastructure in such areas, encourage and support people’s life and work there, and promote coordination between border defence and social, economic development in border areas.

Members of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) approved the law at the closing meeting of a legislative session held on the 23rd of October, following which the law was announced a day after.   

It is to be noted, the law was first proposed in March 2021, however it was kept on halt due to approval issues.  However, recently after rounds of meetings and discussion, the law was announced and would come into effect from the 1st of January 2022.  

The law also stipulates, following the principle of equality, mutual trust and friendly consultation, handle land border-related affairs with neighbouring countries through negotiations to properly resolve disputes and longstanding border issues.   The law states that the Chinese military should carry out border duties, including organizing drills and resolutely prevent, stop and combat invasion, encroachment, provocation and other acts.

A significant aspect of the new law is support for the construction of border towns, improving their functioning and strengthening supporting capacity for the construction.

It is to be noted, China in recent years has been strengthening the border infrastructure including the establishment of air, rail and road networks.  It also launched a bullet train in Tibet which extends up to Nyingchi, the border town close to Arunachal Pradesh.

Under the new law, the nation would be working for the establishment of trade areas and border economic cooperation zones at the borders.  It also calls for improving the ecological environment along the border besides epidemic control and maintaining flood and fire control.

China is having border disputes and agreement issues with India and Bhutan.  The nation is yet to finalise their border agreement, without which they are introducing a law, to save their rights and exploitation of use of the border land with India. 

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