The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO,) on the 8th of September, located Vikram Lander, which lost communication with the ISRO after it failed to land smoothly.

The team of ISRO scientists said although they are trying to establish communication with the Lander, they have fewer chances as time is limited.

A senior official of Chandrayaan 2 said, “Progressively… as time goes by… it’s difficult (to establish a link.)”

Dr. S.K. Sivan, the Chairman of ISRO, said, “Yes, we have located the lander on the lunar surface. It must have been a hard landing.”  He further added, “…. orbiter has clicked a thermal image of Lander. But there is no communication yet. We are trying to have contact. It will be communicated soon.”

However, it is difficult to say whether the ISRO could establish communication again as Vikram, which was designed for a soft landing, did not do so, due to which the ISRO lost all communication with it.

The Vikram Lander was supposed to land smoothly at the Vikram Sarabhai Point (the location marked on the south pole of the Moon.)

Vikram, which had a life span of 14 days and carried Pragyan, a rover, was a component of the Chandrayaan 2 spacecraft to study the surface of the Moon in detail and send the same to the ISRO.

As of now, the ISRO Team is trying to establish a link with the Lander. 

The Chandrayaan 2 mission is still on as the landing of the orbiter was successful.  The orbiter will study the Moon and send pictures to the ISRO.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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