Nara Chandrababu Naidu, the National President of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP,) on the 5th of December, called for a nationwide debate over the three farm bills and farmers protest.

Mr. Naidu asked the Central Government to organise a nationwide debate and invite all the major political parties to share their opinion on the new agriculture laws.

According to Mr. Naidu, the consideration and suggestions of political parties and stake holders over the three bills would be a better deal to the farmers who are protesting against the bills.

In addition, the TDP President issued a statement, according to which sucu big decision affecting a large sector of India should be taken after brief discussion with the political parties in India.

The farmers of Haryana and Punjab who weree protesting in New Delhi, called for a nationwide strike on the 8th of December.

The agitation of thousands of farmers is against the recently passed three farm bills.

The farmers have been continuing their agitation since the 25th of November, titled as “Chalo Dilli.”

On the 8th of December, farmers across the Nation would block all toll plazas and roads leading to Delhi as they hardened their position ahead of the fifth round of talks with the Central Government, scheduled for today, the 5th of December.

In the past, the farmers’ unions/organisations conducted a total four rounds of talks with the Central Government.

However, all the negotiations and meetings failed to break the protest of the farmers.

Neither the Central Government, nor the farmers are ready to compromise.

Speaking about the outrage of the farmers, a leader of a farmer’s union said the farmers would burn effigies of the Government and corporate houses on the 5th of December, sportspersons would return their medals in solidarity with the farmers on the 7th of December and there would be a Bharat Bandh on the 8th of December.

Another round of talks between the farmer’s unions and the Central Government is scheduled on the 9th of December.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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