On Saturday, the Chairman of Rajya Sabha M. Venkaiah Naidu referred to the notice on the Breach of Privilege Motion set against Rahul Gandhi. As Gandhi is a member of the Lok Sabha, the Chairman has asked the Speaker of the Lok Sabha to take the process forward.

About a week ago, Senior BJP Leader Bhupendra Yadav filed a notice for Breach of Privilege Motion against Mr. Gandhi. Yadav said Rahul used derogatory methods to insult Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. Earlier, the Congress President posted a tweet in which he deliberately misspelled Jaitley as ‘Jaitlie’.

Naidu confirmed that Yadav’s Privilege Motion was being examined. The Chairman was quoted saying, “I will have to examine it and take a view. One thing I should advise everybody is that a solemn agreement had been reached between the Leader of the House [Jaitley] as well as the Leader of the Opposition [Ghulam Nabi Azad]. All other people have also endorsed it. Anybody outside commenting on that agreement… That is not fair and good for the House and also our system. But anyhow… I will be going through the privilege motion and take an appropriate decision.”

This issue was raised due to Rahul Gandhi’s tweet that read, “Dear Mr Jaitlie – thank you for reminding India that our PM never means what he says or says what he means. #BJPLies.” This remark was made after Arun Jaitley made a statement about how PM Modi never intended to question Manmohan Singh’s commitment to the nation. PM Modi had earlier accused Dr. Manmohan Singh of colluding with Pakistan during the Gujarat Assembly Polls. Jaitley said, “Any such perception is erroneous, we hold these leaders in high esteem, as well as their commitment to India.”

After Jaitley’s statement, Leader of the Opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad said the issue was now a closed chapter. Azad also stated that “nothing should be said to hurt the dignity of the Prime Minister.” But hours after Azad’s settlement with the BJP, Rahul Gandhi posted the tweet that enraged the BJP further.