The Central government has released an advisory after several parts of India have witnessed a sudden rise in the number of influenza cases often accompanied by fever. After two years of battle with the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise in number has spread fear among the people. 

The Indian Medical Association on its advisory date of March 3, informed about the sudden increase in the number of patients having symptoms of cough, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, fever body ache and diarrhoea. The Doctors have been advised to give symptomatic treatment and prescribing antibiotics needs to be restricted. 

“These infections usually last for about five to seven days and the fever goes away at the end of three days, but the cough can persist for up to three days. As per information from NCDC, most of the cases are H3N2 influenza virus. It is common to have a seasonal cold or cough during October to February period, because of influenza and other viruses,” it said.

The advisory further informed that people above the age of 50 and below 15 years are mostly affected by it where they develop upper respiratory infections along with fever. Air pollution is one of the precipitating factors, it added. 

Usage of Antibiotics needs to be restricted

“Give only symptomatic treatment, no need to give antibiotics. But right now, people start taking antibiotics like Azithromycin and Amoxiclav etc, that too without caring for dose and frequency and stop it once start feeling better. This needs to be stopped as it leads to antibiotic resistance. Whenever there will a real use of antibiotics, they will not work due to the resistance. Several other antibiotics are being misused for certain conditions and are developing resistance among patients”.

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