The Central Government requested the Supreme Court (SC) to stop the proposed tractor rally called by protesting farmers, on the 26th January. 

On the 11th of January, the Government of India (GoI) submitted an application and asked the Apex Court to issue orders regarding the rally.

Thousands of farmers from Haryana and Punjab are currently protesting at Delhi borders against the three farm laws. The protests which started on the 25th of November which is intensifying every passing day.

In regard to this, the farmer unions decided to conduct a tractor rally on the 26th of January the Republic Day.

However, the GoI is trying to stop the farmers from protesting and conducting the rally.

The Central Government said according to the security agencies that a small group of protesting individuals or organisations have planned to carry out a tractor march on Republic Day.

The application submitted by the Central Government said, “It is submitted that the proposed march is slated to disturb and disrupt the august celebrations of (the) nation on Republic Day and would be bound to create a massive law and order situation.” It further read, “It is submitted that the said proposed march/protest seeks to disrupt and disturb such celebrations which is bound to create a serious law and order situation and will cause an embarrassment to the nation.”

It said that the right to protest is always subject to the “countervailing public order and the public interest” and the right to protest can never include “maligning the nation globally”.

The application also said, “It is submitted that the Republic day function on January 26 each year has its own constitutional as well as historical significance. The January 26 Republic Day ceremony is not an isolated standalone ceremony rather a grand rehearsal takes place on January 23 where everything which is to happen on January 26 of each year is rehearsed.”

A decision upon the Centre’s application is yet to be taken.

Meanwhile, the farmer’s protest against the three farm laws entered the 48th day on the 12th of January.

According to the farmers, the three farm bills are-

The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill 2020, the Farmers Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill 2020 (Empowerment and Protection) and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill 2020, would demolish Minimum Price Support (MSP) giving agriculture sector to the corporates and privatise the agriculture sector.

They also fear, with the new agriculture laws, they would be at the mercy of corporate people, as the mandi system would also be out of context.

The next meeting between the 41 farmer unions and the Central Government is scheduled to be held on the 15th of January.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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