On the evening of the 29th of July, the Union Government announced Unlock phase 3 in India.

According to the third phase of nationwide Unlock, yoga institutions, gyms, would be allowed to open with guidelines.

The reopening has been allowed from the 5th of August with a  separate Standard Operating Procedure (SOP.) 

The SOP for yoga institutions and gyms would be issued by the Union Health Ministry.  

In addition, night curfews, restrictions on intra state and inter state transport of people and goods would be removed. 

There would be no need of an e pass for entering any state. 

Independence Day celebration would also be allowed with social distancing guidelines. 

However, schools, colleges, metro rail service, cinema halls along with bars will continue to remain shut till the 31st of August. 

In addition, political, social and religious gatherings too will remain prohibited until the 31st of August.

The Unlock 3 guidelines would be into effect from the 1st of August, with SOP. 

The SOP is yet to come, which would be basic guidelines to operate for gyms and yoga institutions.

All the aforementioned activities under Unlock 3 would be applicable in areas outside of the containment zones. 

Meanwhile for the containment zones, the lockdown has been extended till the 31st of August. 

The Ministry of Home Affairs, released an official notice regarding the same. The notice read, “Lockdown will continue to be implemented strictly in the containment zones till August 31.  The containment zones are required to be carefully demarcated by the State/UT governments with a view to contain the spread of COVID-19, after taking into consideration the guidelines issued by the Health Ministry.”

Shopping malls, restaurants, train services (limited trains, ) flight services, religious places and travel were allowed under Unlock 2 from the 8th of June.  Now with opening of gyms, yoga institutions, removal of night curfew, intra and inter state travel, removal of an e pass and others, the Unlock 3 would begin from the 1st of August. 

Stay tuned for further updates.


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