National Technology Day is celebrated in India on the 11 of May since 1999. The day was marked to highlight the technological advancements of the Country. On the 11th of May 1998 India successfully test fired its nuclear bombs in Rajasthan.    

The successful test led to then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee declaring India as a nuclear state. India was the sixth country to join the nuclear club. The achievement was marked by naming today the National Technology Day. Each year is given a theme, this year is “Science and Technology for a sustainable future.”

The day is celebrated by all those involved in the Science and Technology field. Institutes conduct festivals with presentations and activities to engage technology enthusiasts. The President of India is also part of the celebration by the Ministry of Science and Technology. At the event, the President presents National Technology awards to the suitable candidates.  

Here are three of the best inventions by India to prove their technological advancement:

ISRO Mars Orbiter Mission: On the 5th of November 2013 India registered its name in the elite list of countries to launch its own Mars mission codenamed as ‘Mangalyaan.’ India was successful in sending a satellite to the Red Planet, which is now on its proper course. Even more significant part of this mission was it needed $ 73 million for India to complete the mission, which is 10 percent of the budget the U.S.A., incurred for their Mars mission.

Atomic Power to Help Agriculture: The year 2013 gave a huge sigh of relief to the farmers as Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) announced that they have been successful in producing agricultural needs by making use of radioactivity and atomic power. This was one of the remarkable feats in India’s technological development as agriculture badly needed an optimum solution.

Fiber Optics Revolution: Very few Indians know that an Indian is responsible for the growth and expansion of the internet today. Dr. Narinder Singh Kapanv is considered as one of the chief founders of fiber optics. He was responsible for the development and the production of fiber cables that allowed the internet to grow exponentially.