Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on the 22nd of December, addressed a public rally in Delhi.

During the rally, Mr. Modi addressed supporters of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and said, “Vividhita mein ekta, Bharat ki visheshta.”

The rally came at a time when many people are protesting against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019, which promises citizenship to refugees from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh based on their religious beliefs.  Refugees who are Buddhists, Jains, Hindus, Parsis, Christians and Sikhs and have been residing in India since or before the 31st of February, 2014, are eligible to get Indian citizenship.

According to the protestors, this not only violates the provision of the Indian Constitution which states India is a secular country, but also discriminates against the Country’s citizens, especially the Muslims.

Narendra Modi, who was addressing people at Ramleela Maidan, said, “A lot of lies are being spread about NRC (National Registration Citizenship) as well. It was made during the Congress regime. Where were the protesters then? We did not make it, nor did we bring it to the Parliament or announce it.”

Raising the matter of the Delhi Police harassing silent protestors, Mr. Modi said, “I want to ask those instigating violence against policemen, what will they get?”  He supported the Delhi Police despite accusations against the Police attacking the protestors and beating them up, including children.

Many supporters of the BJP and Mr. Modi raised their voices in favour of the CAA.

One such supporter, Krishan Kumar, said, “Nobody knows anything. Rumours are being spread by the Opposition party and Muslims who are against the BJP.”  He further said, “Which country do the Hindus have for themselves? It is a Brahm [delusion] that India is secular because we were partitioned on a religious basis.”

Justifying the necessity of the CAA, Prime Minister Modi said the Act gives citizenship to those who are being forced to change their religion and are being persecuted and harassed for their beliefs.  He questioned why people are against the Act when it gives citizenship to those who have been residing in India since or before the 31st of December, 2014, but not to any new refugees.

The CAA created anger amongst the public across India.  Major protests are being held in Assam, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Hyderabad, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal.

People are on the streets, shouting slogans against the BJP Government and blaming it for the situation.

The protests are underway.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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