The Home Ministry of Mumbai, on the 7th of September, granted Y plus security to Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut. 

The Y plus category includes central deployment of about 10 armed commandos with the protectee.

The decision to provide Y plus security to Kangana Ranaut came after a recent Twitter war between Ms. Kangana and Sanjay Raut, a leader of the Shiv Sena in Mumbai.

Recently, Kangana Ranaut took to Twitter and said, “Mumbai feeling like Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir.”

Ms. Ranaut also said she feared Mumbai Police more than what she has dubbed as ‘movie mafia.’

However, many actors including Renuka Sahani took to Twitter and felt offended about the tweet against Mumbai.

Sanjay Raut also hit back at Kangana Ranaut in the Shiv Sena’s mouthpiece named Saamna.

Mr. Raut said, “This issue concerns the pride of Maharashtra and there will be no compromise on this front. Ranaut needs to apologise for her PoK remarks or she will face the music from our women’s wing.”

Soon the issue became a Twitter war after Kangana Ranaut refused to back down and apologise.

Ms. Kangana said she would return to Mumbai on the 9th of September and said Raut is ‘not Maharashtra.’

Ms. Kangana Ranaut said, “Your people are threatening me, still I’ll come to Mumbai on September 9.”

On the 6th of September, Kangana Ranaut released a video message addressing Mr. Sanjay Raut. In the video she said, “Mr. Sanjay Raut, you called me ‘haramkhor ladki.”

The actor further said, “You know how many girls are raped every day in the country, how many of them are tortured and killed – sometimes by their own husbands. And you know who is responsible for all this? It is this mindset which you very shamelessly displayed in front of the entire country. The daughters of this country will never forgive you.”

Meanwhile, Kangana’s father also wrote to the Himachal Pradesh Government asking for her security.

In regard to the letter, Jai Ram Thakur, the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, said, “Kangana Ranaut’s father has given in writing asking for police protection. I also spoke to her sister yesterday. The Director-General of Police has been directed in this regard and she will be provided security here. We are discussing what can be done to provide security to her outside the state as she is leaving for Mumbai on September 9.”

As of now, Kangana Ranaut is in Himachal Pradesh and would be leaving for Mumbai on the 9th of September.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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