Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has said SIT will be formed to probe the killing of Ankita Bhandari. Dhami in his tweet also mentioned that body of the deceased 19-year-old has been recovered by the police from Chilla Canal.

The CM in his tweet wrote, “In order to get the harshest punishment to the culprits, an SIT has been formed under the leadership of Deputy Inspector General of Police P Renuka Devi and ordered an in-depth investigation of this serious matter.”

Furthermore, the Uttarakhand BJP Unit also expelled Mr. Vinod Arya, the father of the accused in the Ankita Bhandari Murder case.

The Uttarakhand Police arrested Mr. Pulkit Arya, the owner of a resort in Rishikesh and the son of Mr. Vinod Arya, a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader.

It is to be noted, Vinod Arya is the BJP leader from Haridwar and a former chairman of Uttarakhand Mati Kala Board.  He also has been granted a state minister’s rank but holds no post in the State Government.

Besides Pulkit Arya, the police arrested two of his resort staff in connection with a murder of a 19 year old girl, a receptionist at Pulkit’s resort.  The girl, identified as Ankita Bhandari, was allegedly missing for the past five to six days and on the evening of the 23rd of September, Friday, the police recovered the body of Ankita from Pauri Garhwal’s Nandalsun belt.  After the recovery of the girl’s body, the State Police arrested Pulkit Arya, the owner of the resort, located near Yamkeshwar block of Pauri district.

Ashok Kumar, the Director General of Police (DGP) of Uttarakhand said, “The girl, identified as Ankita Bhandari, went missing five or six days ago.  The area of the resort didn’t come under a regular PS area.  There’s a patwari police system here, and an FIR was registered under that.  It was done on behalf of the resort owner.”

The matter drew fuel from the citizens of Uttarakhand, women came out on to the  roads and marched, protesting against the ruling BJP Government and demanding justice.

Meanwhile, the case has been transferred to the Laxman Jhula Police, who worked out the case within 24 hours and arrested three people.  Three accused, including owner Pulkit, were arrested and have been taken into custody for further investigation.

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