In a shocking Seema Haider like case, a Bangladeshi woman crossed borders and visited Uttar Pradesh.

According to sources, identified as Julie, the Bangladeshi woman traveled to Uttar Pradesh to marry Ajay, whom she met online, Facebook.  She married Ajay in Uttar Pradesh and within months of their marriage, she convinced her husband to go to Bangladesh with her.

However the love turned horrifying as the woman who disappeared with the man, sent a horrific bloodied picture to her mother in law.  In a complaint with the Uttar Pradesh police, Ajay’s mother Sunita alleged,  a woman from the neighbouring country came to India along with her 11 year old daughter Halima and she stayed with them for almost three months before leaving. In the registered complaint, the victim’s mother said, “Julie left Moradabad for Kolkata on the pretext of extending her visa.  She took her daughter and also convinced Ajay to come along with her.”

According to Sunita, she got a call from her son and he told her that he was in Bangladesh and would return in 10 to 15 days.  After some days, she got another call from Ajay asking for money.  But the call got disconnected and then she received a photo of him covered in blood. He has been missing since then.

Sunita urged the Uttar Pradesh police to look into the matter and bring back his son Ajay, who is allegedly in Bangladesh.

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