Uddhav Thackeray, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, on the 24th of June denied permission for the sale of Baba Ramdev’s Coronil Kit, to cure the Novel Coronavirus.

Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh, took to Twitter and said, “An abundant warning to Baba Ramdev that Maharashtra won’t allow the sale of spurious medicines.”

He said, “The National Institute of Medical Sciences, Jaipur will find out whether clinical trials of @PypAyurved’s ‘Coronil’ were done at all. An abundant warning to @yogrishiramdev that Maharashtra won’t allow sale of spurious medicines. 



Besides Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Bihar also questioned the authenticity of trials and banned the sale of Coronil Kit in their respective states. 

Recently, Baba Ramdev’s company Patanjali launched a Coronil Kit, an Ayurvedic cure for the deadly Coronavirus infection.

Since the launch, the Ayurvedic medicine of Patanjali has made headlines, raising controversy. 

While Patanjali claimed the Coronil Kit worth Rs. 545 to be a 100 % cure for the COVID-19 infection, the Uttarakhand Government questioned its credibility. 

Meanwhile, the Uttarakhand Government is also going to serve a notice to Patanjali for launching a drug claiming to be a cure for COVID-19 when it had only applied for a licence to manufacture an immunity booster against cough and fever. 

The decision to serve a notice to Patanjali comes a day after the Ayush Ministry of India asked Baba Ramdev to submit a detail of components used for the medicine with explanation how it is a cure to the virus. 

Union Minister Shripad Naik said Patanjali coming with the medicine was a “good initiative” but due process has to be followed.

Mr. Naik said, “At a time when everybody is grappling for a cure for COVID-19, such an initiative is definitely good but then the due process has to be followed.” 

The Union Government also asked Patanjali to stop advertising its Coronil Kit, until it gets approval to be sold as an authentic cure for the infection. 

Stay tuned for further updates. 

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