Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is scheduled to lay the foundation stone of of the most awaited Ayodhya Ram temple would be protected by the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 recovered police officials.

On the 5th of August, Prime Minister Narendra Modi would land in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh for the grand event. 

Considering the safety of Mr. Modi, the Uttar Police made special arrangements for his safety. 

Mr. Modi would have a special ring of protection by local COVID-19 recovered police personnel.

According to medical experts, recovered people are with antibodies and are likely to not spread and come in contact with the virus due to the treatment.  In regard to this, they would be the best choice to save Mr. Modi from the threat of getting infected from the virus.

Deepak Kumar, the Director General of Police (DGP) who is in chargethe security arrangements of Mr. Modi said, “It’s in the protocol for protecting the Prime Minister that he must be guarded by healthy personnel. Now what can be healthier in these times than a Covid-19 warrior,” said UP deputy inspector general of police Deepak Kumar.

According to the DGP, the recovered 150 personnel will form the first layer of protection. 

Mr. Kumar said he wrote to the UP Director General of police Hitesh Chandra Awasthy regarding the security issue and made a special request for 150 police personnel recovered from the disease. 

Mr. kumar said, “I had the entire list of all those impacted and the ADG (law and order) immediately okayed my request.”   He further added, “Our aim is that every police personnel that the PM’s eyes fall on, is either a Covid-19 warrior or has been tested in the last 48 hours,” 

In addition, the concerned authority for the arrangements of the grand event said to have tested each individual from decorators to priests and people working in temple have been tested for the Novel Coronavirus.

Anuj Jha, the District Magistrate of Ayodhya said, ”We are confident now that no one will be infected because we have tested anyone who will come within eight feet of a VIP. ” He further said,”Everyone will wear a mask, everyone will maintain social distancing and it’s going to be fine.”

The rituals and puja is being held since the 4th of August, for the grand Ramp Temple ceremony. 

The foundation stone would be laid by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at 12:30 P.M.

The event would be attended by a minimum of 200 people.  Due to the Novel Coronavirus only a few people are invited to attend the event. 

People of Ayodhya were asked to stay home and watch the grand event live on televisions. 

Stay tuned for further updates. 


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