Kashmir: The curfew and protest which followed after killing the popular militant commander Burhan Wani increased death toll to 31 and the 1,200 injured are being treated in various hospitals.

Most of the injured have been either hit by bullets and pellets fired by the government forces. According to the doctors at least fifty injured of all have received serious facila injuries by pellets and may lose their eyesight partially or completely.
At Least 50 Teen Lose Eyesight By Pellets In Kashmir Protest
Doctors at the hospital said, the multiple tiny pellets have disfigured faces of at least 50 persons, almost all of them in their teens, and the chances of their eyesight recovery were bleak.
“The biggest tragedy is that surgical intervention in such cases is of little help as there are multiple tiny perforations in the body which are too difficult to be treated,” said a senior surgeon who conducted 14 surgeries since July 9, the date when protests erupted.

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