On Thursday, the Minister of State Ananth Kumar Hegde offered a clarification to his remark about changing the Constitution. This caused a deadlock in the two Houses with the Opposition demanding an explanation.

The Congress President Rahul Gandhi made sure to mention this in his speech on the 133rd AICC Foundation Day. The newly elected President firmly said it was the duty of Congress and citizens of India to defend the Country.

Hegde clarified by saying, “Regarding the deadlock in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha due to my statement, I want to assure my friends that the Constitution and the Parliament are paramount to me. I can under no circumstance speak against the Parliament.”

Hegde made the controversial statement at a public function. He said, “Seculars do not know what their blood is. Yes constitution has given that right to say ‘we are secular and we will say it’. Yes, I know but constitution has been amended many times, we will also amend it. We have come to power for that.”

This remark led to a fierce uproar by the Opposition during the Winter Session of the Parliament. Hegde’s remark was brought up in the Parliament which led to both Houses being adjourned till noon. The Winter Session has had one issue over the other making most days unproductive in the two Houses.