The meeting between the Union Home Minister Amit Shah and farmer’s union leaders failed.

On the 8th of December, hours after the Bharat Bandh protest ended, Mr. Shah conducted a meeting with the 13 leaders of farmer’s unions.

The meeting was scheduled at 7:00 P.M., at Amit Shah’s residence in New Delhi.

The meeting to discuss the farmer’s agitation against three contentious agricultural laws failed to make any solution.

The meeting came a day ahead of the scheduled meeting between the Central Government and 136 and more farmer’s unions and organisations. The sixth round of talks between farmers and the Central ministers would begin at 3:00 P.M., on the 9th of December.

However, after yesterday’s failed meeting, today’s meeting is said to be uncertain.

Farmer leader Darshan Pal of the All India Kisan Sabha Coordination Committee (AIKSCC,) who attended the meeting with Mr. Shah, said, “The Central Government will send us a note on our demands tomorrow…. There won’t be any meeting between the Union Government and farmer leaders tomorrow.”

In addition, the AIKSCC General Secretary and CPI(M) leader Hannan Mollah said, “The Home Minister has made it clear that the government will not repeal the laws. Shah-ji said the Government will give tomorrow (9th of December) in writing the amendments which the government is keen to. We will decide about attending the meeting after discussing the written amendments with all 40 farmer unions.” He also added, “We don’t want amendments, we want repeal of laws. There is no middle path. We will not attend tomorrow’s (the 9th of December) meeting.”

It is noted that before today’s 6th round of talks with the Central Government, the Samyukt Kisan Morcha, the umbrella platform under which various farm unions are spearheading the protests at Delhi’s borders, would hold a meeting to discuss the next course of action.

The meeting is scheduled at 10 A.M., on the 9th of December at Singu Border, New Delhi.

Mr. Shah said the Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar would represent the Central Government with a proposal on the 9th of December, during talks.

While the Central Government is ready to make some amendments in the bills, the farmers want it to be scrapped.

Farmers are demanding just a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ from the Central Government without any compromise or negotiations.

According to the farmers, the new three farm bills –

The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill 2020, the Farmers Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill 2020 (Empowerment and Protection) and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill 2020, would demolish Minimum Price Support (MSP) giving agriculture sector to the corporates and privatise the agriculture sector.

They also fear, with the new agriculture laws, they would be on the mercy of corporate people, as the mandi system would also be out of context.

Meanwhile, on the 9th of December, thousands of farmers from Haryana and Punjab entered 14th day of their protest in New Delhi borders.

The protest is continuing in several parts of Delhi, Haryana and Punjab.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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