Mr. Amit Shah, the Union Home Minister, approved additional financial assistance for five states affected by natural calamities in 2021.

On the 30th of March, Mr. Amit Shah held a high-level committee (HLC) meeting and approved additional central assistance of Rs. 1,887.23 crores.  The amount has been approved to Bihar, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan and West Bengal, under the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF.)

The distribution of the amount (Rs. 1,887.23 crores) was made; Bihar (Rs 1,038.96 crore,) Himachal Pradesh (Rs 21.37 crores,) Rajasthan (Rs 292.51 crores,) Sikkim (Rs 59.35 crores) and West Bengal (Rs 475.04 crores.)

In regard to this, the Union Ministry of Home Affairs released a statement, which read, “This additional assistance is over and above the funds released by the Centre to the states in the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF,) already placed at the disposal of the States.  During the financial year 2021-22, the Central government has released Rs 17,747.20 crore to 28 states in their SDRF and Rs 6,197.98 crore to nine states from the NDRF.”  The Central Government had deployed Inter Ministerial Central Teams (IMCTs) to these states and Union Territories immediately after the calamities without waiting for the receipt of a Memorandum from them.

It is to be noted, the aforementioned states witnessed natural calamities like flood, landslide and hailstorms in 2021.

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