The Jammu and Kashmir Authority has halted the ongoing Amarnath Yatra, temporarily.

On the 7th of July, the Amarnath Committee and the Jammu and Kashmir administration took the decision to suspend the pilgrim yatra, in the view of heavy rainfall and bad weather, which is affecting the region.

In an official statement, the administration said, “The yatra has been suspended and no pilgrim is being allowed to move towards the holy cave shrine this morning.”

The heavy downpour, which started in the morning hours on Friday, forced the temporary suspension of the pilgrimage along both the Baltal and the Pahalgam routes.

The yatra to the holy shrine is expected to resume as the weather improves.

Eighth batch of 7,010 pilgrims left for twin base camps Baltal and Pahalgam in a convoy of 247 vehicles on Friday. Of these, 5179 were men, 1549 women, 21 children, 228 sadhus and 33 sadhvis. 240 pilgrims heading for Baltal in 94 vehicles, 4600 pilgrims left for Pahalgam in 153 vehicles to pay obeisance at the holy cave shrine.

On Thursday, 17,202 pilgrims paid obeisance at the holy cave shrine, taking the cumulative total of devotees who have had ‘darshan’ of the natural ice lingam formation to 84,768 so far.
Notably, the 62 day yatra to the Amarnath Shrine started on the 1st of July and would conclude on the 31st of August.

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