The terrorist group al-Qaeda released that they will target Hindu “separatist” organizations that are part of the destruction of mosques and Muslims’ property. They also said that they will also attack those that forced conversion of Muslims and are involved in killing them.

The group also said that they will target the “leadership” of India’s military, the police forces and also the “secret agencies.” It also specifically mentioned to target “those officers of the Indian military who have the blood of our Kashmiri brothers on their hands.”

These declarations were made in a document ‘Code of Conduct for Mujahideen in the subcontinent.’ They said that India was its “top priority, after American and Israeli targets,” and also added that its objective wasn’t to attack “common” Hindus, Buddhists or people of various religions.

It said, “This is because our war is against the armed groups belonging to these religions that are oppressing the Muslims.” It added, “The Indian state is the fundamental obstacle to the formation of an Islamic India. Islam has governed India for one thousand years. Hence in that respect, it is our religious objective to bring that Islamic land under the flag of Islam, under the rule of Tawheed (the Oneness of God).”

The group also accused that the Indian state of oppressing Muslims in Kashmir and are promoting anti-Muslim bigotry.