The Delhi High Court (HC,) on the 15th of December, reviewed a petition against protesting nurses at the All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS,) in New Delhi

On Tuesday, the Court restrained the protesting nurses of AIIMS from continuing their strike.

Nearly 5,000 AIIMS nurses went on an indefinite strike on the 14th of December,over their long pending demands. The nurse’ association submitted a list of 23 demands including correction of an anomaly in the fixation of the initial pay based on the Sixth Central Pay Commission, removal of gender based reservation in the recruiting process of nursing officers, the abolishment of contractual appointments, enhancement of hospital accommodation and cadre restructuring.

Meanwhile AIIMS Director Randeep Guleria appealed to the nurses to call off their strike and join their duties.

Mr. Guleria said, “I appeal to all nurses and nursing officers not to go on strike, and not to make us feel embarrassed about the dignity that we have as far as the nurses are concerned,” he said. “I, therefore, appeal to all of you to come back and work and really help us get through this pandemic.”

Responding to the appeal of Mr. Guleria, Harish Kajla, AIIMS Nurses Union President said, “We are feeling bad for patients but we’re helpless as our demands haven’t been met.

During the Court proceedings, V.S.R. Krishna, advocate of AIIMS Administration said the strike was illegal and in violation of the Industrial Disputes Act, as the union did not give a six week notice.

However, Harish Kajla in his statement denied the allegation and said, “We had given notice for (the) strike a month ago but even then the administration didn’t listen to our demand.”

The High Court also issued a notice to the nurses’ union on the plea of the hospital and asked to submit a report.

Justice Navin Chawla, who reviewed the petition filed by the AIIMS Administration said, “Keeping in view of the submissions and assurances made by AIIMS that it would look into the grievances of the respondents (nurses,) this union is restrained from continuing the strike,”

The Court issued a notice and posted the matter for further hearing on the 18th of January 2021.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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