The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Adityanath Yogi on Monday compared the ‘Triple Talaq’ followed to the disrobing of Draupadi. The CM said that those who do not speak up against the triple talaq are like those audiences who stood silent while ‘Draupadi Vastrapaharanam’ was happening in Mahabharat.

At an event in Lucknow, Adityanath Yogi said, “I’m reminded of everyone staying silent when Draupadi was being disrobed. Those who stayed silent were as guilty and at fault as those who disrobed her. Similarly, the people who are silent on the issue of triple talaq are equally guilty.” The CM was addressing the crowd present at the book release of politician Chandrashekhar, who was once Indian Prime Minister. He expressed his surprise over some individuals in powerful positions staying silent over this issue. The CM said that even Chandrashekhar was in favor of common civil code.

The Supreme Court has postponed the hearing of this triple talaaq till summer vacations. The triple talaq is a practice Muslims follow to divorce their wife by repeating talaq three times. Many Islamic women have expressed their concern over this practice and approached the SC for gender violation. The All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) had said that this is a practice mentioned in Quran and is part of Muslim Personal Law. The AIMPLB also said that changing this practice is like ‘rewriting the Quran’.

On Sunday, the AIMPLB said, “Those who give triple talaq without reasons prescribed by the Sharia (religious law) will face social boycott. There has been misunderstanding on this issue, we will issue a code of conduct on it.”

The CM also addressed the issue of Kashmir and quoted Chandrashekhar, “If Kashmir is separated, India will lose its belief.”