New Delhi: A 70-year-old woman gave birth for the first time and says the couple says that their life is complete now. Daljinder Kaur gave birth last month to a boy after taking treatment at a fertility clinic in the northern state of Haryana with her 79-year-old husband.

The new mother said, the couple married for 46 years, had almost lost hope of having a child and underwent vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment at a fertility clinic in Haryana with her 79-year-old husband. The couple added that their life was now complete.
70-Year-Old Couple Gives Birth To Their First Baby
Kaur from Amritsar said, “God heard our prayers. My life feels complete now. I am looking after the baby all by myself, I feel so full of energy. My husband is also very caring and helps me as much as he can. When we saw the (IVF) advert, we thought we should also give it a try as I badly wanted to have a baby of my own.”
“People say what will happen to the child once we die. But I have full faith in god. God is omnipotent and omnipresent, he will take care of everything,” said the father of a child Mohinder.

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