Cyclone Ockhi was a real disaster and since it rampaged the Southern parts of India, nearly 600 fishermen are still missing. A Home Ministry Official reported that nearly 600 fishermen from Tamil Nadu and Kerala were yet to be found.

It has been estimated around 433 fishermen from Tamil Nadu and 186 from Kerala are missing. The Official also emphasized the two State Governments were yet to get a final figure for the number of people missing.

The Official explained, a house to house verification process was ongoing and the final figure would be revealed at the end of the process. So far, 63 people have lost their lives due to Cyclone Ockhi in Kerala and 14 people in Tamil Nadu.

Yesterday, the DMK urged Banwarilal Purohit, Tamil Nadu’s Governor to declare the Cyclone as a National Calamity. The DMK further insisted the Government take immediate action to conduct rescue missions to rescue the missing fishermen.

The Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan confirmed the Centre would continue search operations after a request from the State Government.