The Supreme Court (SC,) on the 2nd of March, rejected a curative petition filed by one of the convicts of the 2012 Nirbhaya gang rape and murder case.

Pawan Gupta, a convicted rapist and murdered in the Nirbhaya case, on the 28th of February, filed a curative petition, days before his death execution.

On the 2nd of March, a bench of five judges rejected the curative petition, a day before the 4 convicts are scheduled to be hanged.

Justice N.V. Ramana who was the head of the five judges bench, said there would be no case related to reexamination of the punishment of the convict.

The bench said, “The application for oral hearing is rejected.  The application for stay of execution of death sentence is also rejected. The curative petition is dismissed.”

With this Pawan Gupta used all his legal options except the mercy plea which needs to be presented before Ram Nath Kovind, the President of India.

With these updates in Nirbhaya case it is not sure, if all the four convicts would be hanged to death on the scheduled date, the 3rd of March.

After postponing the execution twice, the Patiala Court of Delhi, on the 17th of February, issued fresh warrants to hang the convicts, which is the 3rd of March at 6:00 A.M.

On the 16th of December 2012, six men brutally raped and murdered a 23 year old medical student in a moving bus in Delhi.  Out of the 6 criminals, Jai Singh committed suicide in Tihar jail in 2013. Another named Sonu, a minor, was sent to a juvenile detention facility and was set free after 3 years of imprisonment.

The remaining four convicts,  Mukesh Singh, Pawan Gupta, Akshay Kumar and Vinay Sharma are scheduled to hang on the 3rd of March at 6:00 A.M., in Tihar jail, Delhi.

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