The two India made vaccines against the Wuhan virus, also known as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) will soon get regular market approval.

The Serum Institute of India (SII) manufactured Covishield and the Hyderabad based Bharat Biotech International Private Limited made COVAXIN, expected to be available in the market soon.  In addition, the prices of the two vaccines would also be capped to Rs. 275 and Rs. 150 additional service charges. The final decision regarding the market approval would be taken by the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI.)  The DCGI Expert Committee, on the 19th of January, approved the urge of companies and recommended market approval for the two vaccines. 

Notably, after the second wave of the Wuhan virus pandemic, the SII and Bharat Biotech urged the DCGI and the Union Health Ministry to grant the regular market approval for the two vaccines.  The manufacturers asked for approval on certain conditions for the adult population of India. 

If approved, the two national vaccines would be available at Rs. 275 plus Rs. 150 additional charges.  The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) has been asked to work for the new pricing, making these two vaccines affordable for the large population of India. 

Notably, COVAXIN and Covishield are available at Rs. 1,200 and Rs. 780, respectively, to vaccinate people under the Nationwide Vaccination Drive, started from the 16th of January, 2021.

Under the vaccination drive, the nation administered over 163 crore doses to the eligible citizens. 

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