The Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) of the Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF) joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on the 13th of August.

Approximately 10 MLAs out of the 13 of the SDF joined the BJP in Sikkim and made it the strongest opposition political party in Sikkim.

In April’s elections, the SDF won a total of 15 seats, but two of its MLAs won from two constituencies, due to which, they had to resign from one post each, reducing the number to 13.

Sikkim has a total of 32 Assembly seats, out of which, 15 were won by SDF and 17 by the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM.)

After the merging of the SDF legislators with the BJP, the BJP will have the status of opposition party in Sikkim.

The 10 MLAs joined the BJP in the presence of Ram Madhav, the General Secretary of the BJP in the Northeast.  Ram Madhav said, “With this the BJP will become the main opposition party in Sikkim, and we will play the role of a constructive opposition.”

The SDF MLAs who joined the BJP are Dorjee Tshering Lepcha, Ugyen Tshering Gyatso, Narendra Kumar Subba, Dilli Ram Thapa, Karma Sonam Lepcha, Krishna Bahadur Rai, Tashi Thendup Bhutia, Farwanti Tamang, Pintso Namgyal Lepcha and Raj Kumari Thapa.

Dorjee Tshering Lepcha said, “We will work to expand the BJP’s base in Sikkim.” He further added, “We want lotus to bloom in Sikkim. The younger generation has accepted look east policy of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.”

After the SDF lost power in the State, the BJP is expected to hold bypolls for the 3 seats still held by the SDF.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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