On the 11th of December, Saturday, farmers are going to do a victory march, as they are set to leave the protesting site.

Thousands of farmers, who staged a year long protest against the Central Government’s three farm laws are set to return to their homes, today.  Started on the 26th of November, 2020, the protest against the Three Farm Laws has been suspended officially today. 

The Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM,) on the 11th of December, announced a victory march and directed all the protestors to return home (Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.)  The protestors are taking down their tents, vacating the area. Appreciating the struggle of protestors, the Farmers’ unions have decided to honour locals who helped the farmers at Delhi’s Singhu, Tikri, and Ghazipur borders.  Amid extreme weather, rainfall and pandemic of the Wuhan virus, thr farmers were stick and continued their protest, until the Central Government agreed to their terms and withdrew the Three Farm Laws, officially.  The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led Central Government also agreed to provide Minimum Support (MSP,) withdrawal of police cases against farmers and announced compensation. 

In addition, the SKM said, “We have formed a committee to make a list of such locals so that we can honour them. Before going home, a ceremony will be held at the Singhu border tomorrow to honour them. We will garland them and give them shawls and sweets.”  The Union further added, “So we have decided to thank and honour them.  A similar ceremony is also likely to be held at other border points of Delhi.”

SKM member Mr. Sudesh Goyat also said that a ceremony has been planned near the KMP (Kundali-Manesar-Palwal) Peripheral Expressway at the Tikri border.  Mr. Sudesh Goyal said, “When our electricity and water supply was disconnected by the government, the locals gave us electricity and water from their homes.  They helped us in every way and that’s how we won the battle. Now it’s time to show our gratitude towards these people.  We will honour the people of villages and towns near the Tikri border before going back home.”

Meanwhile, the farmers will also meet with the Central Government representative over the matter, on the 15th of January 2022 and discuss the MSP and other demands.