The Union Home Minister Mr. Amit Shah, on the 30th of December, Thursday, chaired a high level committee meeting.  The meeting was conducted to discuss the Central Government’s assistance for natural calamities to states.

According to sources, the Union Home Ministry approved additional financial assistance of Rs. 3,063.21 crores under the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF.)  The amount was approved for six States, which were affected by floods, landslides and cyclones in 2021.

Of the total released amount, Rs. 1,133.35 crores was given to Gujarat to mitigate the impact of Cyclone ‘Tauktae,’ while Rs. 586.59 crore has been allocated to West Bengal for cyclone ‘Yaas’ which hit the state in May 2021.  An amount of Rs. 51.53 crore has been allocated to Assam, Rs. 504.06 crore to Karnataka, Rs.600.50 crore to Madhya Pradesh and Rs. 187.18 crore to Uttarakhand. The Union Home Ministry official, who wished to be anonymous said, “This additional assistance is over and above the funds released by the Centre to the States from the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF), already placed at the disposal of the States.”

In addition, the amount would be disbursed to respective State Governments soon. 

Stay tuned for further updates. 

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